We have been doing so much “hurry up and wait” as of late. By midnight last night, the winds had clocked enough that we were able to make a move. Because we were getting so beaten up by the waves, we decided to fall off our course a bit and motor through the night. The waves are far enough apart now that we are not slamming into every single one…just every other one ;). We’re both feeling a little bit bruised and a lot bit tired, but we’ve been sailing along now relatively comfortably…enough for me to write this blog, so that is a very good thing. Unfortunately we had to part ways with our sailing companions Moonstruck when we decided to motor sail. They are in a lovely, sturdy, Hylass and the waves do not abuse them in the way that they do us. So I think we’ll be on our own until Bermuda, but will be looking forward to seeing everyone in a couple of days to compare war wounds. On another note, we’ve run out of propane in one of our tanks and conditions have not permitted switching to the other tank which is located beneath 5 jerry cans full of diesel that are securely lashed down. I’m not sure when we’re going to be able to move them so for now, I’ve had to be creative with preparing cold meals.
Day 6
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