I am surprised by how quickly the days whiz by. It’s not like we’re busy, but our days are plenty full – what with our position reporting, logging, several daily net chats, a couple of games, reading, and meals, sunset comes along sooner rather than later. We’ve spent the past two weeks on Bermuda time and have now taken the liberty of moving our clocks ahead to “Rosario in the middle of the ocean” time and will continue to add an hour at designated longitudes until we catch up to Azores time. Time is such an arbitrary thing.
We’ve been visited by a new species of bird that we had not encountered before. It looks similar to the Bermuda longtail. Other than that, we saw some dolphins jumping in the distance, but sadly, they did not come by for a visit. I would think that with all the time that four people spend gazing at the horizon, we would have seen more whales and dolphins but we don’t seem to have the same luck as Moonstruck.
Daily Routine
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