Finally…dolphins! We have not seen them since Conception Island and what a treat to be visited by them on the first day of our passage. They were playful and hung out for a while. We are convinced that they like when you clap for them, so we of course gave them a standing ovation.
We began our first day with a decent sail, though by last night we found ourselves in a similar situation as during our passage to Bermuda in that due to a low looming in our path, we have had to change course. We opted to head south and east so that at least we were making some progress towards our destination. Winds are very light, rarely reaching above 6 knots with an occasional gust up to a powerful 8 knots. Needless to say, our Yanmar is getting some exercise. John’s and Jeff’s (our new crew: David’s brother and our friend from NY) systems are working overtime trying desperately to acclimate, and though it was quite rough going for them yesterday and through the night, sleep and sunrise seem to have brought them some peace.
Dolphins and Light Winds
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