We made our way up the north coast of Ibiza, staging for our next passage to Mallorca. We found a nice spot on a small island off the northeast tip of Ibiza, perfect for an early AM departure. It was a lovely anchorage that ended up being such a tease b/c the water was littered with jellyfish, to the point that it was impossible to even quickly jump in without coming into contact. In any case, we were not there long as the winds shifted, making our once protected anchorage completely exposed. We ended up in a gorgeous spot that probably does not get much attention b/c in prevailing conditions, it is usually exposed. This wide bay enclosed by tall hills was all ours. It was a deep anchorage of about 30 feet but you could see clear to the sandy bottom. We were up and on our way by 4AM. We took advantage of the time difference and chatted with family and friends at home on the west coast. It never ceases to amaze us how far offshore you can still get cell reception. Because we left from the far north tip of Ibiza and made landfall on the west coast of Mallorca, it was quick 7 hour sail and by afternoon we were feasting on one of the most delicious paellas that we have had yet in Spain in the town of Andraitx.
More Jellyfish, an Amazing Sunrise, and a Mallorcan Landfall
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