Yesterday’s trend of light winds continued. We finally threw up our genneker and though we were making a mere 3 knots, we were happy to have the engine off. The seas were perfectly glassy and we enjoyed the calm of the ride. Funny how entertainment takes on a more loose definition out here. Spending the afternoon on the deck gazing at the water and pointing out the various jellyfish…entertaining. Listening to Herb the weather guru on the SSB every afternoon…better than television.
Last night the winds kicked up as did the seas and today brought rain. We continue to barely make any easterly progress and are now headed almost due south, though the winds are predicted to change and we will hopefully be able to resume course within the next 36 hours. There are several of us in the pack and as always, the company is welcome. Moonstruck is headed for a similar waypoint and it will be nice to be back in VHF contact.
Sunday May 27
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