Right now we are in the Exumas. Their beauty is like nothing I have ever seen before – they are stunning in a way that words cannot give justice to…but I’ll try ;) After waiting for our “weather window” in Nassau, we finally got it yesterday morning. More than 7 weeks since arriving in Florida and picking up the boat, it now feels as though the vacation has truly begun. We’ve done everything necessary to get the boat ready and we’ve finally made the distance to the heart of the Bahamas. Marilee and Jon are still with us and will be here for a few more days. We are all having such a wonderful time together, they are excellent traveling companions. The trip from Nassau to the Exumas took about 6 hours. The journey was beautiful. For at least half of the time, the water is no more than 10 feet (sometimes getting as shallow as 8 feet) and then the rest of the time, it was not much more than 20 feet. The water is an incredible shade of aquamarine and clearer than I have ever experienced before. We arrived in a bay that we had selected at 3:30 and anchored in 7 feet of water! Leaving a mere foot and a half between the bottom of our boat and the ocean floor. We jumped off the back and all went for a snorkel. The water is so warm it’s like being in a bathtub. This morning we are going to head a little further south down the Exumas where we will get to plant ourselves for a few days and where we will get to meet up with our friends Bob and Sharon on Shazza. There is a one beach where we are headed where there are these wild (though apparently very friendly) pigs who will swim up to your boat hoping to be fed. Now that will be a trip!
The Exumas at Last
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2 responses
Got you email Tni. Thanks, and Happy New Year to you both!!
Judging from the pictures and your detailed and colorful descriptions, you are perhaps in the midst of a once in a lifetime experience that goes far beyond what you even imagined it would be. I am so incredibly jealous while at the same time thrilled for you :) Keep the updates and pictures rolling in while the rest of us slave away in our offices and cubicles.
In the mean time, I’ll be perusing flights to Europe this summer and will plan on meeting up with you in the The Azores in late June, early July. Saw Wes yesterday at Kathy Dykeman’s birthday party and he said he may be coming along with me next summer too. . . .You are both, of course, in everyone’s thoughts and we all send our warmest wishes.
Cougar’s Update
David, we have been active in the transfer market, and managed to bring in some fairly good young players. Our opening game was yesterday. Although we lost 3-1, the result does not reflect the effort and promise the team is showing. I think we’ll gell within a few weeks and get some positive results this season.
Well my friends, some of us actually have WORK to do!
Speak soon
Wow! We’re lovin’ the pics. Happy belated BD, Tni! Please tell Bob and Sharon hi, they should remember us. Rich went fishing this past Saturday, and as much as you loved it, he HATED it! He told me to remind him the next time how much of a fisherman he is NOT! He gets pretty seasick with all that back and forward stuff the serious anglers do. We are home again in cold NJ. Going back again to WPB next week. Later….Becky
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