Was it not for the fact that there was not even the slightest suggestion of wind, I would have considered today perfect. The sun is warm but there is a slight crispness in the air. The water is glassier than I have ever seen. Are we on a lake??? I spent the morning whale watching and the day proved to be a jackpot of wildlife sightings. Not only did we see whales…several times, but dolphins, and turtles too (yes, way out here!). And just now, as I type, a dolphin did a graceful jump in our wake, just two feet from the boat. I don’t make this stuff up…I could not have ordered it up more perfectly if I tried…well, maybe there would have been 5 of them, and it would have been choreographed to music and they would have said hi Tni…but still.
Thursday June 7
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